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  • Writer's pictureIoana

My Giverny

Raise your hand who's happy the good weather is here and parks are open! :)

With all the confinement of the last few months, I must say I relied heavily on my garden to provide that natural connection we human beings need. Indeed, I have a little piece of heaven, lawn full of wild daisies wrapping around more sophisticated species of tulips, roses, irises, peonies... My husband carefully mows the lawn so that he leaves some patches of daisies which prove to be the delight of the neighbourhood!

Yesterday, I took advantage of the gorgeous weather and took my watercolours out to paint some of the peonies, now in full bloom.

A friend of mine, whom I've sent some of these pics last night, promptly replied:

"Monet would have been so envious!"

Would you say?

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